With her summer day camp experience spanning 36 years, Dr. Glasser has developed an expertise in this area of which she is particularly proud. She has always thoroughly enjoyed all the many aspects of her camp work – staffing, facilities, programs and scheduling, health department compliance requirements, camp supplies and equipment, special events, registration, training, and of course, the children and their parents. She has private, as well as municipal, camp experience.
Top priority in operating camps must always be safety. In New York State, both the state and county health departments have strict camp regulations that must be adhered to by all camps, public and private. When camps under Dr. Glasser’s authority and supervision were inspected by health department sanitarians during summer operations, they always met or exceeded the required standards. She believes strongly in the value of summer camps providing youngsters with exciting, fun, challenging opportunities that are important to any community. Doing all one can, however, to keep these programs safe for all is the ONLY way to operate them.
Whether relating to the planning, organizing, implementing or evaluating of camps, or the day-to-day troubleshooting, Dr. Glasser’s extensive background and expertise in this area enables her to address all sorts of camp related issues and develop quality solutions.